How to Do a Pedicure
at Home in Seven Easy Steps
Spring and summer are the seasons of sandals, peep-toes,
sling-backs and flip-flops, so it’s about time you
took care of your feet. Don’t have the time to
do it at a salon? Here’s how to do a
long-lasting at-home pedicure.
A salon pedicure is a treat, but why spends loads of money,
when you can do a really good at-home pedicure? Follow these seven easy steps
and treat your feet once a week! You’ll be walking in
sandals in no time.
You’ll need:
•acetone-free nail polish remover
•a nail clipper; a nail file
•a small bucket and some bath salt
•a cuticle remover
•a foot scrub
•a moisturizing feet cream
•nail polish
Seven Steps to a Long-lasting
at-home Pedicure:
•Remove your old nail polish. Try to use an acetone-free nail
polish remover, since the ones with acetone tend to leave your nails and
cuticles very dry.
•Clip your toenails, and then file them. Don’t forget to file in one direction
only; this way you’ll avoid cracked
•Fill a small bucket with hot water and some bath salt, and
then soak your feet in it. Leave them in for 10 minutes to soften the dry skin
on your feet. Pat your feet dry.
•Treat your cuticles. They should be really soft after the
hot bath and easy to remove; if not, use a cuticle remover.
•Use a feet scrub to exfoliate. If you don’t have a foot scrub, make one at
home – just mix olive oil and some raw
sugar. If you find extremely dry spots on your feet, treat them with a feet
file or a pumice stone, but be very gentle, since the hot bath left your skin
very sensitive.
•Exfoliation will leave your skin smooth but dry and
sensitive. Hydrate it using a moisturizing feet cream. Your heels and cuticles
are usually the driest parts of your feet, so make sure they are well
moisturized. Give yourself a massage while moisturizing; massaging will give
you a total spa-like feeling and help you relax.
•Finally, polish your toenails. Start off with a base coat,
and then choose a nice, bright summer color and polish your nails. Protect your
nail polish with a topcoat. Use quick-dry drops to help your nails dry, and
give them 10 to 20 minutes before putting shoes on.