Personal Development

5 Easy Ways to Feel Better About Yourself
5 Easy Ways to Feel Better About Yourself

We girls tend tobe too critical towards ourselves. We always find things that will make us feel bad and give us a reason to nag about it to ourselves or others. Its usually our looks, closely followed by our jobs. Well, do something about it!

Ok, you cant just order yourself to feel better; its a process that needs some time and effort. Heres what you need to do.

1. Smile

Yes, as simple as that smile! Right now! No matter if you feel like it or not, just smile. Its not really that hard and you certainly have a reason for it.

Smiling is contagious and once you start, you wont be able to stop. It is a perfect cure for feeling bad and it is also a long term remedy to feel better about yourself. People who smile often, tend to go through hardships of life in an easier way than the grumpy ones. Plus, they live longer Id say thats enough reasons to start smiling on a regular basis.

2. Put Your Best Clothes On

Whether you personally want to admit it or not girls pay a lot of attention on their looks. Some even pay too much attention to it, but thats not the topic of this discussion. Still, putting your best clothes on, will do the small but significant trick.

Now, this is not about looking like youre prepared for the Red Carpet its about putting on clothes that make you both look and feel good. You have that one pair of jeans that make your butt look incredibly sexy? Put those on. Add a nice top, your favorite shoes and put on some makeup.

Of course, the ideal ending of this ritual would be to go out and party, but it is not obligatory. Just seeing yourself looking good will make you feel good. Dont be a slob get out of your sweatshirt once in a while and say hello to the beautiful, sexy girl looking at you from the other side of the mirror. Looking good is feeling good.

3. Call Your Friends

Most of us have neglected our friends thanks to very popular social networks lately. But really, seeing someones pictures on Facebook is not the same as seeing them in person.

Establish at least one day a month when you will pick up the phone and call your friends to see them. Call your best friend or call someone you havent seen in years it doesnt matter. The point is to get up get out. And finally, you can talk to your friends about the things that are making you feel bad. Even if they dont offer any help, youll feel better just because someone listened to you.

4. Learn a New Thing

This is especially effective for people who are feeling bad about their profession. Learning a new thing works like a charm.

I would have to suggest giving this one a bit more time and dedicate yourself to something like learning a new language. However, if you cant really do that just learn anything new. It could be a verse from your favorite poem or an interesting fact about the Universe. Treat your brain with a new knowledge every once in a while. It doesnt only make you feel better it is also a good prevention for dementia and Alzheimers disease.

5. Sing

I once learned that music is the cure for every trouble. It turned out to be very true. All the hardships are not as hard when accompanied with a song.

I know, you dont really feel like singing when you feel bad, but gather some strength and just start. After the first verse of your favorite song you will start feeling better. Oh yeah and nobody cares if you cant sing. Trust me it helps!

Well, there you have it. Stop feeling sorry about yourself and do something about it. You can feel better, you just need to want it and follow these 5 easy tips.

How to Change Your Life and Realize Your Dreams
How To change Your Life and Realize Your Dreams in 5 Steps

Do you hear stories of people who are living their dream life and wish you could be one of them? You can be! Follow these 5 simple steps, and follow your dreams

Some people are miserable in their current situation (job, relationship, home, etc.) and know they need to make certain changes. For many of us, however, things arent THAT bad. Its just that, well, things arent great either, but we cant quite put our finger on whats missing.

Do you have a nagging sense that your life is lacking something important? Do you feel restless, bored or dread the start of another day? Do you find yourself wanting to be happier, but not quite knowing what that means? Then its time for you to change your life and realize your dreams!

But what if youre not even sure what those dreams are? Not to mention the fact that youre terrified to make any major changes to your world. Take a deep breath and come along on a journey with me. I know. Ive been there.


Life As A Lawyer

For years, I lived in a big U.S. city and practiced law in a well-respected law firm. Although I was not passionate about the actual work, I had found my groove, worked long hours at it, and just clicked along in the life I was living.

Then, I plunged onto a roller coaster of traumatic events in my personal life. I eventually regained my footing, but I began to approach life from a slightly different perspective. I wanted to-the-core happiness. I didnt want to just keep going through the motions.

I was okay, and life was fine. But I felt a restlessness about me, a dissatisfaction, a haunting sense that I wasnt happy enough if you can quantify such a thing for the rest of my life. I knew, or at least believed, there had to be more to life than what I had tapped into so far.

Whats Next?

So, I began to think about making some changes. I started to take the usual next steps associated with career/geographic change: researching resume formats for career-changers, updating my resume, contacting references, researching other cities, researching job and housing opportunities in those areas, and talking to a local realtor about listing my home for sale.

But something was off. I kept hitting a wall. I couldnt bring myself to take action steps much beyond thinking about it. I couldnt even finish my resume. This lack of follow-through was foreign to my Type-A personality since I usually love to cross items off my ever-present lists of things to do.

Something was going on. I kept feeling pulled in a direction that didnt make sense to my logical brain . . . take a year off.

What?! Take a year off? And not have a job? Not have a specific plan? That is hardly a realistic option! Ive ALWAYS worked. Besides, you dont just leave one job without having the next one lined up, especially in this economy! Puhleez. My oh-so-responsible brain scoffed at the very notion.

Radical Change

However, try as I might to redirect this impulse, it kept coming back to me. Eventually, having promised myself to never again ignore those quiet nudgings that guide us from within, I finally gave in. I gave notice to my law firm and quit my job. Id budgeted savings to give myself an entire year off to design an exciting new life.

Well, it turns out that Life had even bigger plans for me. To make a very long story somewhat shorter, I now live on a tiny island in the Bahamas, work as a freelance writer, enjoy a loving relationship and thrive in my close-knit community. I have ended up in a happier, more peaceful, contented situation than I ever could have imagined.


You can change your life and realize your dreams, too! And you dont need to have a years worth of savings in order to do it. You dont need to move to an island. You dont even need to quit your job necessarily. You just have to take that first step . . .

Step #1 Figure Out Whats Wrong

Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you wake up and dread another day of the same grind?

Do you feel like there should be more to Life than what youre experiencing?

Do you suffer from a vague sense that things arent as they should be?

Do you have a restlessness about you?

Do you ever think this is not how you thought your life would turn out?

Do you feel mildly bored most of the time?

Do you feel like something important is missing from your life?

Do you find yourself wanting to be happier, but not quite knowing what that means?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, then you are ready for a new beginning. The feelings you are experiencing are not simply boredom or restlessness. They are clues, signals that you are not leading a life aligned with your true self, indicators that you are ready for a new phase.

Step#2 Identify Your Dreams

Some people know what their dream is, but they have been sidetracked along the way . . . the accountant who always wanted to open her own bakery, or the waitress who never really pursued her singing career, for example. If you are in this category, consider yourself lucky because you already know what your dream is!

Others of us know we want to change things up, but we dont know what that means exactly. I fell squarely into this camp. To start identifying your dreams, begin a search for your true self and conduct a personal inventory:

What do you love to do? What are you passionate about? Or, as my mother asked me, What makes your heart sing?

In what types of jobs or entrepreneurial endeavors can you incorporate these passions?

What skills and experience do you have that will transfer to other areas?

What type of living environment is best for you? City or small town? Beach or mountains? Near family or far? Cold or warm climate?

What lifestyle suits you? Fast-paced urban chic or leisurely island style?

Do you work best in solitude, or do you thrive around other people?

If you could design your perfect life, what would it look like?

What are you thankful for already?

You still may not identify a specific dream right away, and thats okay. Whats important is giving yourself the time and space to think about all of this and feel your way through it. Try on different daydreams and see how you feel as you imagine each for a while.

Shift your perspective and begin living from a place of gratitude. As you appreciate and focus on the good that is already in your life, more of it will come your way. Be open to possibilities, and trust that the path will evolve in the best way for you.

Step#3 Plan (as Best You Can)

As you feel led in a certain direction, sit on it. Contemplate it. Dont make any hasty decisions. Research the heck out of it. Think carefully about finances. Budget appropriately. Plan and prepare as much as possible.

Embrace your fears. Pay attention to what scares you and address it. Take comfort in knowing that feeling fear just means youre considering the logical aspects of your exciting new ideas. Think through worst-case scenarios and try to put things in place to prevent them or to have ready as emergency backup.


Step #4 Recognize When You are Ready Enough

You will never feel 100% ready. You will still have fears and uncertainties. This is natural and probably unavoidable. You will never know all there is to know. You will never be certain that the steps you are about to take are the perfect ones for you. No plan is foolproof. There is no guarantee against failure.

Be confident in knowing that you are making the best decision with the information you have available to you now. You have done all the legwork and research and planning. Youve thought about it with your head; now its time to trust your heart.

By this point, you are ready! At least, you are ready as youll ever be. You are ready enough.

Step#5 Take the Leap!

Take a deep breath, smile and launch your new life!

Quiet the butterflies in your stomach and remember that you have taken all the right steps leading up to this. Youve considered worst-case scenarios and laid out some safety nets. You cant go wrong. So long as youre following your instincts and doing your best, it IS the right step for you. Even if it doesnt turn out the way you hope, you can always retool, readjust, or change course. And, remember, changing course may even lead you to a better result than you had imagined!

Best wishes on your journey to your true self. Change your life, realize your dreams, take the leap